Gong Xi Fatt Chai! I hope the Chinese New Year’s celebration have been pretty amazing, filled with calories laden food and of course, those addictive cookies goodies for you.…
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label/Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm
In Olympus EPL7, Snaps, Travel
Snaps: Sekinchan Road Trip(s) with the Olympus PEN Lite E-PL7
January 19, 2015 Be first to comment
If you noticed the extra “s” in the title above, it is because I actually went on two road trips to Sekinchan. The first are with the shutter-loving photographer…
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| Good morning, from Pudu! | * * * * * * * * * * One of my New Year’s resolution was to pretty much procrastinate less and…
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In Olympus EPL5, Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm, Photography, Shutter Therapy, Street Photography
Snaps: Olympus Malaysia’s First Street Walkabout in Pudu
January 6, 2014 Be first to comment
Trust me to blog about things that happened more than one month ago, because I can damn well procrastinate. About one month ago, Olympus Malaysia organized their first ever…